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星号密码查看器下载 星号密码显示器(Asterisk Key)10.0 build 3538 多语绿色版 下载-

Asterisk Key是一款密码恢复软件,在你忘记密码的时候他很有用的,包括自动显示ie浏览器里form中的*字符等,支持多语言密码。 需要的朋友们可以下载试试吧!

Passware Kit recovers all kinds of passwords for the world's most popular office application files, including Excel, Word, WinZip, Windows XP/2000/NT, access, Outlook, Quicken, WordPerfect, VBA, 1-2-3, ACT!, Paradox, Organizer, Schedule, WordPro and more.

Below are the steps to recover a password for microsoft Office document. To recover passwords for other types of files please select different recovery module in the step 1.

To recover a password:
Click the Start button, and then click Program Files, Passware, Office Key
Select the Recover... item in the File menu. A file selection dialog will appear.
Select the file to search password for.
Press the "Open" button to start recovery.
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